Welcome to Lotus Walk

Manager’s Messages


Please submit your ballot if you have not voted yet. We have adjourned the annual meeting to May 31, 2024 at 2:00 p.m. at the Association Pool.

Thank you for your participation

Do you need to report a service issue?

If you experience a roof leak or need to report a maintenance issue, please call Action Property Management at 949-450-0202 or email at communitycare@actionlife.com. You may also use the CHAT feature and chat a live representative by logging into the resident portal. We have a full support staff and on-call personnel ready to assist you.

Trash Enclosures

Organic and Recycling containers have been delivered and are stored inside each trash enclosure. Republic Waste Management has set up weekly pick up service. Please do your part to dispose of  organic material and recycling in the property container. Please break down your boxes and keep the trash enclosures from overflowing. The Association is billed extra for overages and overflowing enclosures. Please visit the Resident Portal at resident.actionlife.com to see information on the types of waste consists organic waste and recycling materials.

Thank you to everyone for helping to keep the community beautiful.

Holiday Season Reminders

The holiday season is upon us. For most of us that means out of town guests, holiday decorations, parties and gift shopping. With how busy we can all get, we tend to forget the simplest things, so we wanted to share ways to help celebrate with less chaos and stress!

  • Lock your vehicles – To try and prevent from any unfortunate incident, we ask that you remember to lock your vehicle and remove all personal belongings with value out of public view.
  • Package theft – Unfortunately, mail and package theft during the holidays has become an issue. It only takes a moment for a thief to grab a package from a door step. If you are expecting a package or delivery, please arrange for someone to be home or have the package delivered to an alternative address.
  • Parking – Please be cautious of the Association’s Parking Rules. If you have guests staying, ensure they are parking in appropriate parking spaces to avoid any unfortunate towing incidents.
  •  Decorations – Inspect all holiday decorations and lighting before installing. It only takes a small wire or socket crack to cause a short circuit or fire.

Older Entries>>


12842 Palm Street
Garden Grove, CA 92840
phone | (949) 450-0202

Management Team

Carmen Portela | cportela@actionlife.com

Berlynn Espinoza | bespinoza@actionlife.com

Management Company

Action Property Management
Corporate Office
2603 Main Street, Suite 500
Irvine, CA 92614
phone | (949) 450-0202
fax | (949) 450-0303